Dear Reader,
It’s been a challenging phase that has left me wondering why people behave the way they do. Simply put, I am now wary of fake people and their convincing lies.
More dangerous than fiery Goan red chillies.
Few years ago, someone I knew since childhood days called me out of the blue and asked me to draft a letter that would help her restore her store. It had been shut down.
Feeling deeply for her helplessness, I worked on it like a maniac overnight and sent it back. She had few iterations to add and I wrapped that up. While doing this, she shared some ridiculous stories that a common acquaintance had told her against me. In fact, I simply laughed it off and didn’t take it seriously. We sent the letter I had worked on as it was more urgent to get her store reopened.
The good news is that she could open her store. But I’ve never heard from her again till someone recently mentions how she has been talking nonsense about me.
Isn’t it funny the people who seek your help eventually stab you in the back? It happens to me all the time. Different people, similar outcomes.
But I don’t stop helping people.
I believe in the power of karma.
It’s up to me to be responsible for good actions over bad actions.
But there are days when one feels pained and defeated by the onslaught of Fake People.
Why is it we have so little choice? We live like the lowliest worms.
Always defeated —- defeated, we make dinner, we eat, we sleep.
Everyone we love is dying. Still, to cease living is unacceptable.
- Banana Yoshimoto, Kitchen
Circling back: Fake People have some notable characteristics you should be wary of:
Convincing lies they tell themselves and others
Smile to your face and stab you in the back
Devious ‘Kitchen Cabinet meetings’ to demolish others and the outcome is nothing
Emotional alibis to support why they do what they do
Rumour mongering about others who have nothing to do with a situation
Conspiracies about situations and people who have no direct link with it
And when nothing works, ghosting or gas lighting
Worst part? Fake People are cowards who are convinced by their own lies and deception.
I am not usually this pessimistic. But sometimes, as mentioned earlier, I feel the onslaught of negative energy and fake people - and it triggers me to write this.
A quick question - Which book or author highlights Fake People with precision?
Do share in the comments below - I’d love to check it out.
Books & Quotes
Very rarely are we given this gift, this new way of seeing. The quality of light that we see in things matters.
When the light shifts, we see the world differently.
Anindita Ghose, ‘The Illuminated’
last thing
I’ve finished reading Banana Yoshimoto’s bestseller ‘Kitchen’and I soooo love it!
I’ll write a review on ‘Kitchen’ soon as it left me in a spellbound trance, literally.
Cities fascinate me - read this: Why Bombay wins hearts!